Email Groups

Library staff can share information and ask questions of one another by using various email groups.

These are the email groups open to all staff at PALS Plus libraries.

All– The ALL email group is reserves for messages of import to all library staff. It is used for emergencies, or system-wide announcements.
Circulation – Issues, questions, or other matters related to circulation.
Collection Development and Management – Issues, questions, or other matters related to collection development and management.
Events – Used to promote events happening at local libraries at which patrons from other libraries can attend. Additionally, it’s used for libraries looking to partner on a program and share costs.
Reference and Adult Services– Issues, questions, or other matters related to reference and adult services.
Technical Services – Issues, questions, or other matters related to technical services.
Teen and Youth Services – Issues, questions, or other matters related to teen and youth services.

To join a PALS Plus email group, please complete the form below.