Core Documents for Circulation
- Envisionware Filtering Levels March 11, 2010
- Offline Circ Setup and Procedures
- Standardized Circulation Policies [February 8, 2024]
- User Wizards Group
- Credit Card Payments in Enterprise [November 9, 2021]
- Default Replacement Prices 2023 [May 2023]
- Fine Free Libraries in PALS Plus [April 28, 2022]
- Payment for Lost or Damaged Item Belonging to another Library [May 5, 2023]
- Payment for Lost or Damaged Item Belonging to another Library – Form [May 5, 2023]
Holds & Transits
- Managing Holds [July 13, 2023]
- Managing Transits [October 2, 2023]
- Unfillable Holds
Database Maintenance
Notifications & Receipts
- Email Hold Notices
- Email Notification – Item Renewal Status Reminder [November 15, 2021]
- Email Notification – Library Card Renewal Reminder [November 15, 2021]
- Email Notification – Library Item(s) Due Soon Reminder [November 15, 2021]
- Printing and Emailing Overdue Notices
- Registering Patrons for Text Notifications [October 15, 2021]
- Receipt Printer Settings
Patron Registration
- Patron Profiles [November 4, 2021]
- Registering Users Table
- Registering patrons from William Paterson University
- Registering the Courtesy Borrower [May 6, 2024]
- Registering the Hudson County Borrower [April 31, 2024]
- Registering the ILL User
- Registering the NonCirc User
- Registering the Open Borrower [October 2, 2023]
- Registering the Paid Borrower [June 26, 2023]
- Registering the Resident Patron [June 26, 2023]
- Registering the ReBL Borrower [June 26, 2023]
- Registering the Temporary Borrower [October 2, 2023]
- Renewing a Borrower [May 6, 2024]
- Modifying a User Who Moves Between Towns
- Processing Lost Cards [October 15, 2021]
- LOSTCARD Best Practice
- RB Libraries by Barcode Prefix 2015
- RB Libraries by Library
- RB Libraries by UserCat1
Special Situations
- Claims Returned Form
- Damaged Slip (Download) [March 10, 2023]
- Recording Checkout history [April 22, 2024]